The Bermuda Tourism Authority [BTA] has reported “its Q4 and year-end tourism results for 2024, reporting sustained performance improvements across key metrics despite ongoing challenges related to limited hotel capacity.” A spokesperson said,...
The Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport acknowledged the “resignation of Wayne Caines as Chairman of the Bermuda Tourism Authority and thanks him for his service.” A Government spokesperson said, “Appointed in 2020 at the height of the global...
The Bermuda Tourism Authority [BTA] has been recognized by HSMAI with multiple Adrian Awards for its outstanding travel marketing campaigns, highlighting its innovative approach to digital engagement, influencer partnerships, and experiential...
The island’s welcomed its first cruise ship visit of the year today [Feb 14] as the Spirit of Discovery arrived at Heritage Wharf this morning. A Government spokesperson said, “The first cruise ship of the year arrived in Bermuda today. The...
The pink-and-blue container structure near Hamilton Harbour — “initially built for the 2017 America’s Cup and later converted into the Bermuda Visitors Service Centre [BVSC] — is being dismantled after nearly six years on Front Street,” the BTA...